Lab News

Members of the lab crushed a [solidcore] workout together. Our journey to become the most intimidating lab starts now.

It’s not just a phase: Spirit Week returns
After a hiatus, the freezing weather and new year harkened the return of Spirit Week joy to the Lukens lab. In this, the third rendition of the high school-inspired classic daily themed week, outfits reached increasingly wacky heights.

Strengthening the Network at UVA’s Immunology Research Day
Members of the lab attended and participated in this annual symposium highlighting immunology research at UVA.

An APPLEsolutely wonderful time at the aPEELing Carter Mountain
The undergraduate students in the lab planned an afternoon apple picking at the local mountaintop orchard!

The lab participates in Walk to End Alzheimer’s
Members of the Lukens lab walked and hosted a booth to support Alzheimer’s disease public awareness and understanding of the disease.
Community mini med school students visit the lab
The Lukens lab once again hosted some members in the Charlottesville community as a part of UVA’s Mini-Medical School program!

Rethinking Neuroimmunology with old and new friends
Members of the lab attended the #ReThinkNeuroimmunology Symposium hosted by Washington University in St Louis, a three day event highlighting cutting edge new research at the intersection of immunology and neuroscience.

Farmers markets are for neuroscience too!
Lab members hosted a booth to teach visitors about neuroscience at the weekly city farmers market at IX Park!

Next into the tank, tau.
Congratulations to Lexi Johnson, who won a Shark Tank-style competition for research funds hosted by the neurodegenerative disease research coalition (NDRC) at UVA.

Congratulations to Nicholas and Lexi on their EMT certification!
The injury-prone Lukens lab now has medical aid from within thanks to our newly certified emergency medical technician (EMT) undergraduate students, Nicholas Cormas and Lexi Vesselinov. We are very proud of their service to the community and hope to never encounter them in their new roles.

Lexi and Josh win gold at the NGP picnic 🥇
Neuroscience graduate program (NGP) students Lexi Johnson and Josh Samuels were a part of the winning (Top Dog) team at this year’s picnic field day.

John selected as the inaugural Director of Harrison Family Translational Research Center
The new center will hone UVA’s vast base of experts to launch a cutting-edge research program with a goal of developing new treatments for Alzheimer’s and related neurodegenerative disorders.

Congratulations to Lexi, Wagner Fellowship recipient!
The Wagner Fellowship is awarded to outstanding Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program (BIMS) students each year and provides one year of funding.

Santa Fe brings the spice, scientifically and gastronomically
The Lukens Lab and Friends had a strong showing at the southwest’s premier event! The joint Keystone Symposia on Neuroimmune Interactions and Neurodegenerative Diseases in Santa Fe, NM was a week of amazing science, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones.

Lukens undergrads sweep at the Fozdar symposium
Huge congratulations to undergraduate researchers Ava Hollis and Abhi Verma for being awarded first and second place, respectively, as the most outstanding talks at the 2024 Fozdar Symposium.

Ana gives a RocksTaur talk at the Spring Brain Conference!
Graduate student Ana Royo Marco was selected to present her project, “Treating head injury induced tauopathy by boosting the function of the meningeal lymphatic vasculature”, at the 2024 Spring Brain Conference in Sedona, AZ.

Congratulations to 1st place poster winner, Josh!
Congrats to graduate student Josh Samuels for being awarded first prize at the 2024 GBS Symposium poster session!

We stared at the sun.
Lab members viewed the 90% partial solar eclipse from Charlottesville, VA (wearing proper eye protection, of course!)

Congratulations to Ava, Hutcheson Award recipient!
The Hutcheson Award is given to top undergraduates in Carter Immunology Center labs working on immunology projects and is made possible through generous donations from Randy and Rossie Hutcheson.

Iron Clint Achieves Gold as Outstanding Pharmacology Student of the Year!
An outstanding graduate student who defended within the year is chosen for each speciality under the biomedical science umbrella program. Congratulations to our resident ferroptosis expert, Dr. Iron Clint Upchurch, a part of unintentional quintuplet matching that recently assembled the Lukens Lab Avengers.