It’s not just a phase: Spirit Week returns

After a hiatus, the freezing weather and new year harkened the return of Spirit Week joy to the Lukens lab. In this, the third rendition of the high school-inspired classic daily themed week, outfits reached increasingly wacky heights.

Day 1: Internet/meme Day

Choose your favorite viral sensation to embody on this day! Whether it be Bad Luck Brian, zombie kid that likes turtles, or perhaps the Fre Sh A Vacado sign, all routes of internet fame will be celebrated.

Appaaaarently Kristine never ever talked about microglia in Alzheimer’s disease at BIG RIP before


Day 2: Anything but Christmas

Dress up to honor your favorite holiday that is not nationally recognized. Pi day, Toyotathon, Taylor Swift's birthday, ... the options are endless.

From left to right: Jess (National Lost Sock Memorial Day; next time we will get her to dress as a washing machine), Kristine (National Trail Runner Appreciation Day), Lexi (Earth Day), Addie (Black Friday), Kate (Boxing Day), Clint (National Fried Chicken Day), Josh and Ben (National Twin Day).

Day 3: Shrek Day

Welcome to the swamp.


Day 4: Goth Day

It's a music style, it's a fashion style, it's a lifestyle. Any interpretation of this dark and mysterious subculture will be recognized on this day.


Day 5: Cozy Day

Pajama day with a winter twist! Think beanies, blankets, and slippers (ie what you might wear during a typical confocal sesion).




Strengthening the Network at UVA’s Immunology Research Day