Gabrielle Voithofer

Gabi graduated in 2020 from Salisbury University with a B.S. in Biology, a B.A. in Psychology, and a minor in Chemistry. Her undergraduate research was focused on characterizing two models of diabetic periphery neuropathy (DPN) in zebrafish for their future utilization in elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegeneration in DPN. After college, she began working as a COVID-19 contact tracer and was subsequently promoted to lead a team of tracers at the St. Mary’s County Health Department in Maryland. As a lab tech in the Lukens lab, Gabi worked with Hannah Ennerfelt in studying the microglial response to Alzheimer’s Disease. Gabi then went on to study as a Fulbright Fellow in Poland. Currently, Gabi is a part of the Medical Scientist Training Program at the University of Maryland pursuing an MD-PhD.